How to Freeze Apples Without Ruining Them

Freeze Apples

With a little planning, you can enjoy fresh-tasting apples all year long
Apples are a versatile fruit that can be used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. But if you have a bumper crop of apples this fall, or if you simply want to enjoy them year-round, freezing them is a great way to preserve their freshness and flavor.

The best apples for freezing

Not all apples are created equal when it comes to freezing. Some varieties, such as Golden Delicious, Rome Beauty, Stayman, Jonathan, and Granny Smith, freeze better than others. When choosing apples to freeze, look for firm-fleshed varieties with a snappy texture.

How to prep apples for the freezer

Start by washing, peeling, coring, and slicing the apples. Take care not to slice them too thin, as too-small slices will be mushy when thawed.

To prevent the apples from browning, you can dip them in a lemon juice solution (1 tablespoon lemon juice per 1 cup water) for a minute before freezing. You can also blanch the slices by dunking them in boiling water for a minute before plunging them in ice water.

How to freeze apples

Once the apples are prepped, spread them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Make sure the slices are not touching, so they don't stick together. Freeze for a couple of hours, or until solid.

Once the apple slices are frozen, transfer them to freezer bags or containers and label them with the date. Frozen apples will keep for up to 9 months in the freezer.

How to use frozen apples

Frozen apples can be used in a variety of dishes, including pies, cobblers, crisps, cakes, muffins, and smoothies. You can also use them to make applesauce, apple butter, and apple cider.

When using frozen apples, there is no need to thaw them first. Simply add them to your recipe as directed. If you are using them in a pie or other baked good, you may need to increase the cooking time slightly.

Here are a few tips for using frozen apples:

  • If you are using frozen apples in a pie, preheat the oven to a slightly lower temperature than what the recipe calls for. This will give the apples more time to thaw and cook through.
  • If you are using frozen apples in a smoothie, add them to the blender last. This will help to prevent the smoothie from becoming too icy.
  • If you are using frozen apples to make applesauce, apple butter, or apple cider, simply thaw them first and then follow your favorite recipe.
With a little planning, you can enjoy fresh-tasting apples all year long. Simply follow these tips for freezing apples and you'll be well on your way to enjoying delicious apple-based recipes year-round.


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