Purposive Communication 1

Purposive Communication 1 The course will expose students to write, speak and present to different audiences for various reasons. (CMO 20 s. 2013) Furthermore, this course aims to develop and enhance the competence of student’s knowledge of their cultural and intercultural awareness by doing different tasks that should provide opportunities to effectively and properly communicate to different audience both in a local and global setting. This would provide the students much needed tools to critically evaluate various texts and focus on the power of language, the impact of images to focus on the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The skills, knowledge and insights gained from this course can be utilized in different areas such as academic pursuits, chosen field/disciplines and careers in the future because this course will teach students to compose and/or produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web based output for different purposes.

Purposive Communication 1
The course will expose students to write, speak and present to different audiences for various reasons. (CMO 20 s. 2013)
Furthermore, this course aims to develop and enhance the competence of student’s knowledge of their cultural and intercultural awareness by doing different tasks that should provide opportunities to effectively and properly communicate to different audience both in a local and global setting. This would provide the students much needed tools to critically evaluate various texts and focus on the power of language, the impact of images to focus on the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The skills, knowledge and insights gained from this course can be utilized in different areas such as academic pursuits, chosen field/disciplines and careers in the future because this course will teach students to compose and/or produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web based output for different purposes.

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