Masturbation Myths That Need to Be Debunked Once and for All

Masturbation Myths That Need to Be Debunked Once and for All

It's normal and harmless, but people sure have made up a lot of bullshit about it
Masturbation is a normal part of human physiology, but we (as a society) have managed to invent dozens of truly bizarre myths just to guilt ourselves into feeling bad whenever we do it. (Did anybody ever think they would really go blind or grow hair on their palms?)

Anyway, here’s the truth about some of the more common misconceptions, from whether there is such a thing as too much, and how it can affect both your health and your romantic relationships.

Everyone does it and no one else does it

When you're younger, you may believe you're the only one who has found out how to make yourself feel good in this way; and after you understand you're not alone, you may believe that everyone else is doing it as well.

Masturbation is fairly prevalent, although it is not universal. According to one poll, 94 percent of males and 85 percent of women had done it; another estimated the figures to be 91 percent and 78 percent. (The findings of these research were only provided for these two genders.)

However, when you look at any specific age group (or ask whether someone has masturbated in the last week or month), the figures are far lower. Teenagers who reported masturbating in the previous month ranged from 43 percent to 61 percent, depending on age group, for boys, and 24 percent to 26 percent for females. The survey's youngest age group, 14 to 15 years old, had the lowest numbers.

We don't know how much the figures reflect how many individuals genuinely get off on their own and how much they reflect people's willingness to disclose it. But it's evident that masturbation is incredibly popular, and even if you don't do it on a daily basis, you're still in excellent company.

Masturbation suffocates your gains (or your health)

Masturbation, according to a few notable weirdos in the 1800s, saps people's essential vitality, leading to bodily and mental sickness. Among the most well-known are John Harvey Kellogg (of the Cornflakes family) and Sylvester Graham (of Graham cracker fame). But the belief was widespread, and it's just as ridiculous as their claim that eating bland cereals and crackers can reduce your libido.

Masturbation has no effect on your gym performance or general wellness. Using the data given above, it would be absurd to believe that 90% of us are doing a normal body function and that this normal bodily function is harming us.

You'll destroy your capacity to have coupled sex

Apart from the fact that masturbation and coupled sex are not mutually incompatible, this is another another myth devoid of truth. Masturbation may help you discover what you love, allowing you to be more confident and communicate better in bed.

A claimed disease called as "death grip syndrome" argues that applying too much effort to the penis might cause numbness, which can interfere with your ability to enjoy other sexual behaviors. But it's never been proven to exist, and if it does, it's an outlier—not something that would definitely happen under regular circumstances. (There is no analogue for the vagina or clitoris.)

However, it is possible to grow so accustomed to your masturbation practice that you find it difficult to step beyond of your comfort zone with a partner. We have some suggestions for dealing with those concerns here.

Masturbation lowers testosterone levels

Sexual activity (of any type) appears to impact testosterone levels in both men and women, although the link is convoluted.

There is no reason to suppose that masturbation or sex has a long-term effect on testosterone levels. Hormone levels change from hour to hour and day to day (not to mention monthly if you have a cycle). Masturbation may have an effect on your hormones in the following way: It is typical for testosterone levels to spike and then fall in response to sexual activity.

However, the lack of a long-term impact indicates that masturbating on a frequent basis isn't causing a loss of testosterone, and it's also not boosting your testosterone enough to cause you to lose your hair (male pattern baldness is triggered by testosterone in people who are genetically prone to it). Masturbation, then, will not diminish your testosterone or cause you to grow bald.

Masturbation might be "too much" for some people

While the nofap community like talking about individuals being "addicted" to masturbation, there is no evidence to support this. Even if you masturbate frequently, it's only a symptom of a strong libido and maybe too much idle time. It is not an issue in and of itself.

The only time this may be an issue is if you are masturbating so frequently that it interferes with your everyday life, which may be the case if masturbation is a compulsive practice for you. That is, it would be the effect of a mental health illness rather than the cause of one. Consult a mental health specialist if your masturbation is causing you grief, taking up more than an hour of your day, or interfering with your career or social life.

Prostate cancer is caused (or prevented) through masturbation

Masturbation, you may have heard, causes prostate cancer. You may also have heard that it helps to prevent prostate cancer. The fact is that the link hasn't been well investigated enough to provide us with definitive answers. One huge poll asked men how frequently they ejaculated (sex, masturbation, and wet dreams were all considered), and the guys who ejaculated the most were the least likely to get prostate cancer.

However, this is not clear proof that masturbating protects against cancer. It's possible that persons who ejaculated more often were also healthier in other respects. Other studies have yielded conflicting results; one 2016 study examined 16 publications on the subject and was unable to provide a definite answer either way.

Masturbation is not acceptable in a relationship

Just because you're having sex with a partner doesn't imply you can't enjoy it alone. Solo masturbation is widespread among persons in sexual relationships and can be an effective strategy to deal with conflicting sex impulses.

According to one research, married women who can orgasm via masturbation had more fulfilling sex lives than married women who cannot. It's unclear if this indicates that masturbation leads to a good sex life (as some have attempted to spin these findings), but the two can certainly coexist harmoniously.

#Masturbation #Relationship #Sex

SOURCE: lifehacker

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