Best Answer to the question "Tell Me About Yourself" (According to a CEO)

This is the best technique I've ever seen to answer the interview question "Tell me about yourself"
In this video, I answer the job interview question "tell me about yourself" in the best way possible. This is the best technique I've ever seen to answer the interview question "tell me about yourself." I also provide an example answer to this topic. This applies to both a recent graduate and a professional with years of experience.

This is the first video in my Getting Hired series. I'll go over all of the basic job interview questions, including "tell me about yourself," which is the most popular job interview topic and is usually used as an icebreaker at the start of every job interview. More advice can be found in the other videos in my "Get Hired" playlist.

This is one of the most typical interview questions, and it comes in a variety of forms:
Please tell me about yourself.
Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Ask any startup founder or business owner about the disparity between what you study in business school and what you need to know in the real world! My goal is to concentrate on the practical sides of business, providing practical tips and tactics that are not typically taught in school.
This channel serves as a platform for entrepreneurs and company owners to prosper. It is also to assist the world in becoming more productive and prosperous. The world could undoubtedly need more inspiring leaders, successful businesses, and effective managers, which is what I hope to contribute to.

#JobInterview #JobInterviewQuestions #JobHiring

SOURCE: The Companies Expert

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