Arrested Trump Supporter Wanted to 'Kill All Democrats' at Dairy Queen

"Kill all the Democrats" in order to bring back Trump to White House
A man who claimed he wanted to "return Trump to President of the United States" and would "kill all Democrats" to do it was detained after entering a Pennsylvania Dairy Queen armed with a weapon.

Jan Stawovy of Hunker, Pennsylvania, allegedly entered the Dairy Queen last Saturday, placing $120 on the counter and telling the manager it was a "tip" for "non-Democrats." Police were alerted later in the day to an erratic driver, and arrived at the Dairy Queen after Stawovy returned to the location. Additional guns were discovered in Stawovy's vehicle by police.

Stawovy, who was dressed in a rainbow clown wig and a bright yellow safety jacket, tried to convince police officers on the scene that he was "undercover with Pennsylvania State Police" and there "working on a massive drug sting."

Stawovy then claimed in the affidavit that he was a prophet who had "spoken to God" and that he needed to "kill all the Democrats since Trump was still president."

Stawovy was dismissed from two different churches due to his unpredictable behavior, and both encouraged him to get professional therapy for his mental health, according to KDKA. According to KDKA, Stawovy once came to Barren Run United Methodist Church dressed as a clown, terrifying the congregation.

No one was hurt in the incident at Dairy Queen, and Stawovy was arrested and is now being held in custody awaiting arraignment.

The arrest of Stawovy is one of numerous recent cases of Trump supporters resorting to or threatening violence. A shooter who had posted pro-Trump information on social media tried to break into an FBI office in Cincinnati last month before being murdered by law officials following a confrontation.

On Sunday, a Michigan man who believes in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which argues that Trump is fighting a network of satanic pedophiles who rule the world, shot and murdered his wife and the family dog, wounded his daughter.

The man's other daughter, who was not present at the time of the shooting, stated on Reddit that her father's behavior had been increasingly erratic since becoming involved in the QAnon conspiracy.

#Democrats #Trump #TrumpSupporters #DairyQueen

SOURCE: yahoo

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