How to Put Your Baby to Sleep Without Waking Them Up

Scientists have devised a walk-and-sit approach that appears to be possible
For various reasons, each of my three children was difficult to get to sleep. Only with a parent would one fall asleep in a crib. The others fell asleep more quickly, but good luck getting them into bed without waking them up if you were holding them at the time. A group of experts has now evaluated a walk-and-sit strategy that they believe may be the most effective way to get a crying baby to calm down, fall asleep, and stay asleep.

None of the components of this strategy will seem revolutionary to caretakers, but the way they were combined is a sequence I don't think I've ever tried in this exact order. (By contrast, fellow Lifehacker contributor Rachel Fairbank claims this is exactly how she used to put her baby to bed; I guess some of us are just slower to catch on.)

Here's how it's done. You begin with a crying infant.
  1. Circulate with the infant until they stop crying. They should be asleep in about five minutes.
  2. The most important step is to sit with the baby for five to eight minutes. This allows them to go asleep while staying in contact with you.
  3. Then place them in the crib.
The researchers note that their study "is exploratory and requires validation," so no one is promising that this is a miraculous sleep spell. However, it is consistent with other observations they observed and that most baby carers would likely agree with:
  • Humans (as well as other animals that carry their young) have a "transport response" that calms newborns when they are moved around.
  • When you stroll around with crying babies, they almost always fall asleep. (This does not apply to happy, alert newborns.)
  • Babies awaken when they become aware that they are being separated from their caretaker.
  • Putting a baby to sleep "either interrupts or deepens" his or her sleep.
  • Babies reach a deeper sleep stage approximately five to eight minutes after falling asleep, making them more likely to stay asleep when placed down.
When all of this is considered, the walk-then-sit regimen appears to have a high success rate. It should be noted that it is intended for sobbing babies rather than alert newborns, therefore it may not be suitable for your regular night routine.

It also goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that if your infant has a reason to cry, you should address it first. If they're hungry or in pain, they won't fall asleep just because you wandered around with them. However, if your children are prone to being grouchy and crying when all they need is a nap, this may be worth a shot.

#SleepingBaby #BabySleeping #PutBabyToSleep

SOURCE: lifehacker

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