A study looks at how your gaming preferences change as we get older

A study looks at how your gaming preferences change as we get older

As we Grow Older, and so as Our Choice of Games

What, again, are the stereotypes? Strategy is for tweed-clad old men, and Call of Duty is for raving high schoolers? Well, it turns out that at least one of those is correct. Quantic Foundry, a gaming analytics firm, has released a study of over 140,000 'Gamer Motivation Profiles' to determine how our likes in games vary as we age.

The Gamer Motivation Model developed by Quantic Foundry divides human motivations into twelve areas, including Social, Excitement, Competition, Destruction, Strategy, and Story. The most noticeable shift with age was seen in the area of Competition: both sexes' drive for competition diminishes as we age, with initially increased male competitiveness reaching parity with women after the age of 45. When you cause a 15-year-old Rocket League player to scream, know that he is as troubled by the game as he sounds.
A study looks at how our gaming preferences change as we get older

The persistent notion of strategy as a tame retirement home genre is ridiculous. Strategy was shown to be the most steady motivator in terms of age, with males being more strongly motivated by strategy than women throughout the board.
A study looks at how our gaming preferences change as we get older

Overall, Quantic Foundry observed that no gaming interest rises with age, which is a little disheartening. Life, it seems, is to blame, with things like mortgages and screaming, competing youngsters diminishing the chance of older players rating any motive as "very important/enjoyable." I'm off to pwn some noobs before time robs me of my lovely delight.

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SOURCE: pcgamer

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