Nintendo in Japan releases a pictures of their Storage Room where OLD Consoles and gadgets are safely kept.
In part of celebrating the 30th anniversary of the release of "The Legend Of Zelda" way-back in 1986, Nintendo shares a few stocks of Original Famicom and the Famicom Disk System.

In Japan, those two device are needed to play the game, but not in America, where it came with cartridge that had a battery in order to save your game, and that is the role of the Disk System.
Take a look inside the box and WOW, its Complete in MINT condition.

And all of it are in Good Working Condition.

And one of the most interesting gadget there is the Working Famicom Disk System Writer, this device is used to print or transfer games onto a blank cartridges, and there are around 3,000 untis of this around Japan back then.