Pope Francis still wants to End Death Penalty

Pope Francis still wants to End Death Penalty

Pope Francis calls for an end to the Death Ssentence worldwide: "People can Redeem Themselves"
Pope Francis repeated his support for the abolition of the death penalty on the 20th World Day Against the Death Penalty.

"I appeal to all people of good will to organize for the elimination of the death penalty throughout the globe," Francis wrote on Twitter.

"Society can effectively repress crime without permanently depriving criminals of the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves." "#EndDeathPenalty," he continued.

In 2018, the Pope emphasized that capital punishment is always wrong, and that it is a "assault" on human dignity.

The Vatican, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, has already stated that it will work "vigorously" to eliminate the death sentence globally.

According to Amnesty International, by the end of 2021, 108 countries had abolished the death sentence in law for all offenses, and 144 had abolished it in law or practice.

The death penalty is still used in around 55 nations.

#Pope #PopeFrancis #Vatican #vaticancity #VaticanNews #DeathPenalty #deathpenaltyplease #EndDeathPenalty

SOURCE: politics

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