Pope Francis wants Youths to be Ambassadors of PEACE

Pope Francis wants Youths to be Ambassadors of PEACE

The Pope encourages young people to be peace ambassadors and transform the world. "You don't need to be superheroes, but rather sincere, true, and free individuals" Francis tells a group of Belgian boys and girls
Pope Francis has urged young people to be creative in the face of adversity and to work together to build a world of fraternity, peace, and reconciliation.

"As you are aware, we are living in difficult times for humanity, which is in grave danger; this is true; we are in grave danger, This is correct; we are in great peril. As a result, I urge you to be peace craftsmen, both around and inside you; peace ambassadors, so that the world can find the beauty of love, of living together, of brotherhood and solidarity. Your life is a tangible and faith-based commitment to the construction of a new society." the pope said to 300 young people from Belgian parishes.

"Do not be afraid of crises because crises make us grow," Francis added. "They do this, this, this, and this to you, and you have to continue forward and overcome the difficulties. Do not mix crisis with conflict: conflict closes you down, crisis makes you grow."

In reference to World Youth Day preparations in Lisbon next August, the pope urged young people to "cultivate closeness to all young people, especially those who live in precarious situations, young migrants and refugees, young people on the street, without forgetting others, especially those who experience a life of loneliness and sadness."

The pope also addressed the youth, complimenting their devotion and Christian witness in an increasingly secular and conflict-ridden nation. "You are not only the Church's future, but also her present; she needs you since the Church is young and needs your generosity, joy, and desire to establish a different world filled with the virtues of fraternity, peace, and reconciliation," he added.

Francis encouraged young people to build a strong relationship with Christ, whom he described as "the trusty friend who never disappoints" and who may help us accept our own fragility and weakness with humility and without fear. "You don't have to be superheroes to be real, true, and free," Pope Francis declared.

"Never tire of being bearers of the Gospel wherever you go; I know you are generous; I know you are full of enthusiasm and ready to conquer the world; do not be distracted by the trivial things in life, of which there are many, aren't there? Concentrate on what is essential, which flows from friendship with Jesus Christ," the pope said.

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SOURCE: internationallacroix

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