The 7 Deadly Sins of Marijuana or WEED Smoking As a Beginner

The 7 Deadly Sins of Marijuana or WEED Smoking As a Beginner

The optimum time to start smoking Marijuana is ten years ago. The second best time is right now
I know you've been waiting a long time, but now that President Biden has made a significant step toward federally decriminalizing marijuana, it might be time to give it a shot. There's not much to it—really, any idiot can do it—but there are a few blunders you should avoid if you don't want to have a miserable time or appear like a square from Delaware.

Excessive consumption

Take it easy if this is your first time getting high or if you've been out of the game for a long. Tolerance exists, and you probably don't have much of it, so don't try to compete with your stoner buddy Gary's lungs.

Weed may be incredibly intense, regardless of how casually many stoners use it. Keep in mind that you can always smoke more, but you can never smoke less. This is especially true for edibles. They take a long time to start functioning and the high lasts a long time, so start modest (maybe 5mg) and don't think "this isn't working, I'll eat more" after 45 minutes. Give it some time.

When you go high, you panic

Weed can cause paranoia and panic episodes in some people. If you begin to experience panic or a sense of impending doom, remember that it is only a drug. You are secure. You're panicking out, but only because you're high, and it'll only last a couple of hours. Do not believe that "the cannabis must have been tainted!" " The marijuana was not spiked. Do not call the cops because you are intoxicated. They will be unable to assist you and will most likely mock you.

Not taking into account your set and setting

Paying attention to set and setting is an ancient adage from the 1960s that acidheads used to avoid going insane on LSD, but it also applies to pot smoking. Setting is who you are personally; setting is your physical surroundings. You want both to be upbeat, especially if you're new to marijuana. Make sure you're in a good mood and in a comfortable setting. Camping in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is a good place for most people to smoke marijuana; downtown Newark in the pouring rain is not.

Smoking weed with people you know and trust is crucial to both set and setting. In fact, try to do everything with people you know and trust—what that's this is all about of life.

Not anticipating secondary effects

Marijuana use can cause dry lips, itchy eyes, hunger, and an obsession with trivial matters. Be prepared for all of these side effects. Have water on available, as well as eyedrops, munchies, and a good friend who enjoys discussing Star Wars.

Making large-scale plans

When I'm high, all I can think about is cracking ridiculous jokes and listening to bossa nova music. Aside from that, I'm useless. I can't order a pizza, follow a movie narrative, or use public transportation. Some folks are the polar opposite and can smoke at work or during their child's baptism while remaining fully functional. Make just the lightest plans for your pot smoking till you know what kind of person you are. The itinerary should go something like this: 1) use marijuana, 2) play Boggle. It should not be 1) consume marijuana, 2) meet with wedding coordinator.

Taking long, deep breaths or not breathing at all

Old skulls will take a big whack and hold it in for as long as they can. This is probably meaningless because the majority of the chemicals that get you high are absorbed rapidly as they enter your lungs. Any extra high you experience from holding in smoke is most likely due to dizziness. So take it in and let it out slowly, like Sunday morning.

However, you must actually inhale for it to work properly. Inhaling can be challenging for some people who have never smoked before. If that's the case, do this: while you pull smoke into your mouth, say to yourself, "Oh my god, my kids just stepped in!" "Inhale with a sudden "huh" intake of breath that would accompany a slight scare."

Making marijuana your whole identity

Good for you if you try smoking for the first time and discover that you actually enjoy it. It can be enjoyable, and nearly 42 million Americans are just like you. But don't let cannabis become your entire identity. Don't be one of those folks who gets high while listening to music about getting high and discussing the subtle distinctions between marijuana strains and if hydroponic cultivation affects pot strength. Maybe I shouldn't pass judgment, but those folks are extremely boring, and you don't want to be one of them.

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SOURCE: lifehacker

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