Pope Francis intends to make the 'Father Of Migrants' a Saint

Pope Francis intends to make the 'Father Of Migrants' a Saint

On Sunday, Pope Francis wants to canonize a Bishop known for Advocating for Migrants as a saint, according to numerous news outlets
According to Religious News Service, Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, a bishop for the city of Piacenza in northern Italy for about 30 years in the late 1800s, backed migrants' rights at a period of massive migration from Europe to the Americas (RNS).
Pope Francis intends to make the 'Father Of Migrants' a Saint
According to RNS, Scalabrini's efforts laid the groundwork for the Vatican's current approach to migration. For his efforts, he was dubbed the "Father of Migrants."

The decision was revealed at a news conference on Thursday by Rev. Graziano Battistella, who led the campaign to have Scalabrini canonized.

"I think the Holy Father wishes to offer the church an example to imitate with this canonization," he stated. "A model for bishops and the church."

Scalabrini became a bishop at the age of 36, when millions of Italians fled to Brazil, Argentina, and the United States, according to RNS.

Many people at the time thought migration was a bad thing, while Scalabrini saw it as a "sacred human right" and a reality. He saw mass migration as a chance to lessen domestic socioeconomic conflicts while increasing worldwide cultural exchanges.
Pope Francis intends to make the 'Father Of Migrants' a Saint
He also emphasized that adequate regulations and protections were required to keep migrants safe from human traffickers and to allow them to maintain their roots.

Scalabrini was likewise in favor of women's roles in assisting migrants.

During his presidency, Pope Francis has often urged the international community to provide the necessary assistance to migrants.

#Vatican #Pope #PopeFrancis #FatherOfMigrants #GiovanniBattistaScalabrini

SOURCE: yahoo

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