How to Edit Your Tweets, Finally

How to Edit Your Tweets, Finally

Not everyone can yet modify their tweets, but some can
There have always been tweets that needed a second chance on Twitter. For years, Twitter users have pushed the business to include an edit function, but the company seldom makes major changes to its platform, with noteworthy exceptions such as the 280 word limit and choosing who gets to react to your tweets. Twitter never budged, no matter how many users complained, until today. After 15 years of live blogging our every thought, it appears that the edit button is now a reality.

Twitter broke the news in a casual tweet on Thursday morning, as if nothing had happened. "What is this?" "Ha, it's just another Thursday at ol' Twitter HQ." If Twitter ever discovers something major, such as life on Mars or a cure for cancer, I expect the news to be delivered exactly like this.

Snark aside, the edit button is on its way. Soon, Twitter users throughout the world will be able to send a tweet, notice their error, and change it without having to delete the original copy and start over.

The edit button is exclusive to Twitter Blue (for now)

Twitter is still testing the edit button, so it isn't a fully-fledged tool that is ready for widespread use. As a result, Twitter has chosen two user groups to iron out the kinks: Twitter workers and Twitter Blue subscribers.

Those of us who pay $4.99 per month for additional Twitter services will be able to add the edit button to our arsenal starting this month. The rest of us will have to wait and stare at Blue users' edited tweets.

How Twitter Editing Works
Here's what you should expect if you get access to Twitter's edit button, whether through Twitter Blue's early access or the feature's eventual public launch.

You have 30 minutes after sending a tweet to change it as many times as you wish. You can begin an edit and then publish it by selecting the edit option. You're finished after 30 minutes. Your tweet, including all of its revisions, is now public and cannot be changed. Your only option is the same as it has always been: deletion.

Keep in mind, though, that every edit is committed to an edit history that anybody with access to your tweets can see. You are not concealing errors or regrettable thoughts by editing them. Each iteration of your tweet is visible via an obvious edit label for as long as your tweet exists. If you tweeted something offensive, the edit button will not save you. However, it's a useful tool for quickly correcting errors or building on your original idea.

That being said, I, for one, am excited to see how the tremendously creative Twitter users will turn this system into a meme engine.

#Twitter #TwitterEditButton #TweetEdit

SOURCE: lifehacker

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