Business Taxation

Business Taxation This course achieve the learning goals, that this class focuses on the primary element of business intelligence ( business analytics) or decision support systems:  database platforms that store data. For this students learn fundamental design elements in terms of data modeling and database implementation, data visualization and report making. To introduce students to key information technology/system concepts that will allow them to understand business and data analytics and how differ from business intelligence and to familiarize Data mining and other Business related topics.

Business Taxation

This course achieve the learning goals, that this class focuses on the primary element of business intelligence ( business analytics) or decision support systems:  database platforms that store data. For this students learn fundamental design elements in terms of data modeling and database implementation, data visualization and report making. To introduce students to key information technology/system concepts that will allow them to understand business and data analytics and how differ from business intelligence and to familiarize Data mining and other Business related topics.

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