How to Get More Sex

How to Get More Sex

Everyone wants to get it on more frequently, but making it happen may be difficult
You're a hard worker. You have a job, or perhaps more than one. You have a family, friends, hobbies, concerns, and a variety of other responsibilities. It might be difficult to find time to squeeze it all in, but you still need to find time to get it all in, if you understand my drift.

Whether you're single or in a relationship, here are a few tips to help you have more sex.
How to Get More Sex

Put oneself in the correct frame of mind

Is your lack of self-assurance preventing you from getting it on? If that's the case, realize that you're hot and awesome just the way you are! Still, you may use your desire for more sex as a springboard to make other beneficial changes in your life.

"You have to [feel] at your best," said Sucklord, a New York City-based artist who claims to have set an all-time sex-having record last summer. "You must be in decent physical condition. You must present a professional image. You must be socially active. "You have to accomplish something with your life," he continued, implying that you cannot be "a sad piece of trash that nobody wants to talk to."

You most likely aren't! The lesson here, though, is clear: Get right with yourself in other aspects of your life before you start looking for joy through more regular sex. You don't have to have the ideal life, but you do need the assurance that comes with knowing you've got things under control. Make yourself the greatest version of yourself so that you can feel at ease while you're alone, and you'll attract more individuals who want to be with you.
How to Get More Sex

Be alright with being alone in or experiencing a sex drought

Sex droughts exist for both married and unmarried persons. Sometimes you'll just hit a dry period, and that's fine. If nothing else, it will make you cherish intimacy much more when you regain it.

"The best hack is to be content with oneself." "If your entire approach to dating is based on filling some gap [because] you're coming from a place of incompletion, you're going to stay that way," Sucklord added. "However, if you have a sense of fulfillment inside yourself and don't really need anyone, that's when you become more valid and have something more to offer because you're coming from a confident place."

That's all well and good, but what about when you're not on the hunt but rather in a steady—if stagnant—relationship?
How to Get More Sex

Discuss with your partner the possibility of doing it more frequently

Always be communicating, babe.

If you're in a relationship and don't think the frequency of your romps is enough, you may try to spring sexy time on your spouse, but those efforts may yield mixed results. You must first go to the source of the problem, which may need an awkward talk. Of course, it doesn't have to be uncomfortable, but if you're not accustomed to discussing these topics, it could be. Be honest, wait for a relaxed moment, and tell them your needs aren’t being met and you’d like to explore options for ramping things up. Lay on some (honest) flattery: Tell them you love being intimate with them and want to do it more often, so you can work together to find a schedule and routine that works for you both. Be truthful, wait for a calm moment, and tell them your requirements aren't being satisfied and you'd want to discuss ideas for ramping things up. Spread some (true) flattery: Tell them you like getting intimate with them and want to do it more often, so you can collaborate to develop a timetable and routine that works for both of you.

Discuss why they aren't feeling interested in sex. Assist them in helping themselves. If that doesn't work, more serious chats are in order—the issue here might be that you and your partner aren't sexually compatible or that other aspects of your relationship are failing. If you want more sex but don't want to have it with your spouse, don't lie about it. Your secret to more sex might be exploring the possibility of expanding the relationship or splitting it off and seeking elsewhere. (If this is the case, go back to steps 1 and 2 and begin again.)
How to Get More Sex

Make a commitment to the sexy quest

If you chat to your partner and discover that you're on the same page about getting it on more, that's fantastic. The next step is to find out how that will work with your hectic schedules. It's not exactly enticing to plan these things out, but it's what you might have to do.

Set up a certain time for this unique activity, and then stick to it. It will soon become something you look forward to as a natural part of your week, rather than a regulated affair.

#sex #partner #relationship #schedule

SOURCE: lifehacker

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