Wolverine wants to be in Deadpool & Wolverine Movie

Hugh Jackman trolls Ryan Reynolds with New York cop in hopes of getting Deadpool 3 role
Hugh Jackman trolls Ryan Reynolds with New York cop in hopes of getting Deadpool & Wolverine Movie role

In a clip posted to Jackman’s Twitter on Saturday (1 May), the Australian actor shared a message from a New York cop named John Dobkowski, who he said approached him on the street.

Directing a message to Reynolds, Dobkowski says: “Hey Ryan, you’ve got to get this guy [Jackman] in Deadpool & Wolverine Movie, even if it’s for a 10-minute cameo. That would be awesome.

Dobkowski continues: “That movie will be so cool, so great, it will blow the box office.

Jackman is then heard instructing the officer on what to say. “You can add, ‘Or I’ll ticket you’,” Jackman jokes.

Or I’ll ticket you!” Dobkowski immediately repeats.

In a caption accompanying the clip, Jackman wrote that the officer was “doling out incredibly smart career advice” for Reynolds.

Jackman and Reynolds have been embroiled in a long-running comic “feud” for several years.

It seemed to begin in 2017 when Reynolds crashed one of Jackman’s press junkets during the run-up to the X-Men film Logan.

Reynolds also dressed up as Deadpool to interrupt the Australian’s birthday message on Twitter in 2018.

The pair put a brief pause on their ‘feud’ last year to raise money for charity.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

SOURCE: Independent

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