Information Systems Operations and Maintenance

Information Systems Operations and Maintenance The role of information technology has become deeply integrated with every business function within all organizations.  This course introduces the role of information technology to support the business processes and enterprise-wide initiatives to fulfill the strategic, tactical and operational requirements of business organizations.  Some of these include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and e-Business.  The course examines the competitive impact of evolving and emerging technologies such as Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing and Social Networking. The course also reviews the social, ethical, and security issues that arise with the adoption of information technology. Various business scenarios/problems are presented to teach students how to use IT to formulate, analyze, and solve problems and to enhance their analytical skills. Students are encouraged to apply what they have learned and present a team-based experiential project for a course-wide analytical case.

Information Systems Operations and Maintenance
The role of information technology has become deeply integrated with every business function within all organizations.  This course introduces the role of information technology to support the business processes and enterprise-wide initiatives to fulfill the strategic, tactical and operational requirements of business organizations.  Some of these include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and e-Business.  The course examines the competitive impact of evolving and emerging technologies such as Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing and Social Networking. The course also reviews the social, ethical, and security issues that arise with the adoption of information technology. Various business scenarios/problems are presented to teach students how to use IT to formulate, analyze, and solve problems and to enhance their analytical skills. Students are encouraged to apply what they have learned and present a team-based experiential project for a course-wide analytical case.

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