The Resident Evil showcase has brought with it not only a nice long look at Resident Evil Village, but also an incredibly tall vampire lady, a brand new merchant, and tons of new juicy information, let's dive in and see what we can find.
So let's not beat around the bush we need to talk about this giant woman using the doll frame as a comparison it's clear to see she dwarfs not only her three companions more on them in a bit but also Siri's fan favorite tall boy nemesis, who clocks in at a mean seven feet three inches and yes I had to Google that.
Considering the average door frame size is around six feet and six inches (again thank you google) I reckon that puts our enormous female at least eight feet tall basically she's huge, but who is this character well even though she's not named in the trailer, we now know that this is "Lady Dimitrescu" and during a mysterious phone call she shares someone else's name a man called "Heisenberg" who at some point has imprisoned our hero Ethan.
"That Ethan winters has escaped that fool Heisenberg"
Further on in the showcase we see another cut scene with our giant new friend who repeats a similar sentence to Ethan but replaces the name Heisenberg with "Little Brother".
"You escaped my little brother's idiot games, did you?"
Coupling this with a mention of her daughters in the previous scene and it appears that we've got a full-blown family affair here, and who's Lady Dimitrescu on the phone to well that would be Mother Miranda the apparent Matriarch of the family who appears to be the person pulling the strings.
A quick rewind to the previous trailer from the PlayStation showcase in September, shows the village residents performing an apparent ritual in the name of you guessed it Mother Miranda could she be the true power in these parts or is the name a pseudonym for something or someone we've seen before in Resident Evil's complicated history, only time will tell.
And now back to the say his name "Heisenberg you're goddamn right". We haven't outright seen anyone attached to that name yet but we have seen several glimpses of this mysterious man, a croaky voice potential levitator who's ready to fight with Ethan, could this be our elusive Heisenberg. It's certainly going to be a boss battle, we know that much now.
Let's talk about our free vampire daughters, although it's neverly officially confirmed that they're vampires or at least have vampiric tendencies, the combination of the final bite of the showcase the repeated references to tasting man blood and wanting to cut your jugular not to mention the pale skin, blood soaked chins and the Dracula-like eastern European domicile, kinda leads us to that conclusion, and with the tall lady in the first trailer (apparently drinking Ethan's blood), I'd say we've got this pretty much all wrapped up.
The scene towards the end of the showcase where one of the sisters is pursuing Ethan, also makes it look like there'll be new stalkers to deal with with similar movement and reactions to Marguerite Baker from resident evil 7.
Also and now this might be a bit of a stretch but they all appear to be wearing necklaces with red jewels that don't look a million miles away from the control device that Jill Valentine was wearing in Resident Evil 5.
Could we be seeing another family under control by a greater evil like the bakers in Resident Evil 7?, and one final note about the enemies in this creepy looking dungeon area we're introduced to what appears to be one of the new cannon fodder enemies of the series, gone are the molded and zombies and in are the shambling hooded bitey boys.
I guess we can assume they're also vampiric of some kind but they also have a taste for medieval weaponry including swords and battle axes, notice how Ethan can shoot them out of their hands? well look closely and you can also see a pickup icon appear immediately afterwards. Yes it's most likely just a her pickup or something, but I prefer the possibility that battle axe only speed run in our future.
"I've been waiting for you Mr. Winters"
As suspected from the teasers in the previous trailer, we now have stranger welcoming confirmed in the form of a brand new Merchant, the first since the iconic character in Resident Evil 4, called "The Duke".
The Duke Shop is called "The Emporium", and not only can you shop till you drop but you can also sell in weapons too, Game Producer Pete Fabiano also confirms he'll regularly appear throughout the game in a variety of locations, opening the door to endless questions about which item you'd like to purchase.
A Merchant isn't the only thing returning from Resident Evil 4, although previously confirmed, it's impossible not to get giddy at the site of the fan favorite attaché case for all your storage needs, it's also confirmed that you'll be able to once again spend countless hours organizing your equipment by playing arms dealer Tetris.
In the trailer, we also get a new look at the castle grounds that bears a passing resemblance to Salazar's Castle also from Resident Evil 4.

Now this is only an opinion but fingers crossed the whole game takes place in these or similar locations and we don't once again venture into a secret lab below this ancient architecture.
So what is actually going on in Resident Evil village as we theorize in a previous trailer breakdown it's now confirmed that Ethan is on a mission to rescue his kidnapped daughter we even see a glimpse of Chris Redfield taking your child.
This appears to take place immediately after Chris brutally guns down Mia like we've seen in the previous trailer, so piecing this together it appears Chris has offered up your daughter to the collection of vampires, but the question remains, why?
Could it have something to do with the child's inherited blood from a previously infected Mia the tall lady mentions a ceremony, so could they be trying to turn the child into one of their own? or even combine bloodlines, and create something more powerful? or perhaps their sisters would also previously kidnap children who were under some form of control like we theorized earlier with the necklace.
It's all pure speculation at this point, but it's fun to guess, speaking of the baby though the eagle eyed might notice some mission instructions when we're being shown the attaché case it simply reads: "Look for rose in the castle", there's a chance this could be another character but our bet is it's the name of Ethan's lost infant.
Speaking of names it's also surprising, how everyone we've seen in the village knows Ethan's name by reputation, especially considering it was a relative nobody before the isolated events of Resident Evil 7.
Why is Ethan's name on everyone's lips, and what do they have in store for him? It doesn't look very nice at all from the glimpse of the handcuffed probably about to be mincemeat Mr. Winters towards the end of the gameplay showcase.
Oh and is anyone else creeped out that the goat collectibles look a little like Black Phillip from the "Witch", if he starts asking me if i'd like to live deliciously then consider me terrified.
"What's that like to live deliciously"
That's everything we spotted but if we missed anything make sure to let us know in the comments and if you like that video why not check out the first Resident Evil Village trailer breakdown, or if you've ever been as obsessed with a classic Resident Evil sound effect like I am, why not check out the time i track down the bizarre origins of the lab door sound.
#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview
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