The Hidden Danger of Dirty Beer Lines

The Hidden Danger of Dirty Beer Lines

By choosing bars that maintain their beer systems properly and being observant of signs of dirty lines, you can ensure that you're enjoying the best possible draft beer experience.
A cold, refreshing pint of draft beer is a delightful experience, especially on a hot day. However, the quality of draft beer can vary greatly depending on the bar you frequent. Dirty beer lines, the tubes that carry beer from the keg to the tap, can ruin even the best brews, leaving you with a flat, acidic, unpleasant beer.

The Importance of Clean Beer Lines

At Walt's Bar in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, the beer lines are cleaned weekly. Owners Jeff and Julia Johnsen understand the importance of an immaculate beer system.
"I've worked in bars my whole life—so has my dad," says Jeff Johnsen. "Draft beer lines need cleaned and changed super regularly. That's something I saw a lot of: nasty draft beer systems that weren't well taken care of."

The Impact of Dirty Beer Lines

Dirty beer lines can have a significant impact on the quality of draft beer. They can:
  • Spoil the flavor: Bacteria in dirty lines can produce off-flavors, such as acidic or vinegar-like tastes.
  • Dilute the aroma: Dirty lines can trap the aromatic compounds in beer, making it smell less pleasant.
  • Lead to health problems: Contaminated beer lines can harbor bacteria that can cause diarrhea, headaches, and nausea.

How to Spot Dirty Beer Lines

Some signs that beer lines may be dirty include:
  • Flat beer: Beer that is flat or lacking in carbonation may be due to dirty lines.
  • Off-flavors: If your beer tastes sour, acidic, or vinegary, it may be due to bacteria in the lines.
  • Lack of aroma: If your beer has no aroma or smells less pleasant than it should, it may be due to dirty lines.

What to Do if You Suspect Dirty Beer Lines

If you suspect that the beer lines at a bar are dirty, you can:
  • Ask the bartender: If you're concerned about the cleanliness of the beer lines, ask the bartender if they are cleaned regularly.
  • Skip the draft: If you're not confident in the cleanliness of the beer lines, opt for a bottled or canned beer instead.

Enjoying Draft Beer Safely

To enjoy draft beer safely, it's important to choose bars that maintain their beer systems properly. Here are some tips:
  • Find a reputable bar: Look for bars that have a good reputation for clean beer.
  • Ask about cleaning practices: Ask the bar staff about their beer line cleaning practices.
  • Be observant: Look for signs of dirty beer lines, such as flat beer, off-flavors, or a lack of aroma.

In Conclusion, Draft beer can be a delicious and enjoyable experience, but it's important to be aware of the potential for dirty beer lines to ruin your pint. By choosing bars that maintain their beer systems properly and being observant of signs of dirty lines, you can ensure that you're enjoying the best possible draft beer experience.


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