Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Tourism Professional

Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Tourism Professional The course describe the skills, knowledge and performance outcomes required to manage multicultural diversity in workplace that covers organization’s diversity policy, encouraging diversity within the work teams and upholding of the benefits of a diverse workplace. It should also develop the ability to communicate with people from a range of social and cultural groups with respect and sensitivity, and to address cross – cultural misunderstanding if it arises. The end goal is for the student to be equipped with social awareness and diverse understanding when serving customers and working with colleagues.

Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Tourism Professional
The course describe the skills, knowledge and performance outcomes required to manage multicultural diversity in workplace that covers organization’s diversity policy, encouraging diversity within the work teams and upholding of the benefits of a diverse workplace. It should also develop the ability to communicate with people from a range of social and cultural groups with respect and sensitivity, and to address cross – cultural misunderstanding if it arises. The end goal is for the student to be equipped with social awareness and diverse understanding when serving customers and working with colleagues.

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