Another World Record Attempt in Hearthstone

Another World Record Attempt in Hearthstone

If you remember the guys that made a 45 hours long turn in Hearthstone, well they're going for another World Record, not 1 but 2 World Record.
Their goal for this time is to set a record for most card draws in a single turn, and most fatigue damage ever, and as always, as we post this blog, the turn is already done still going because it will take approximately 24 hours, but when the cards and tables are right, we will expecting a 15,000 draws and more than 100 Million fatigue damage.

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Here is their setup:

  • Prophet Velen was buffed 2 times Velen’s Choice (more than 30 times for some Velen).
  • Acolyte of Pain was buffed multiple times with the card Divine spirit until he had 796 000 HP.
  • Prophet Velen and Acolyte of Pain have then been multiplied on the field thanks to multiple Faceless manipulator
  • In order to multiply Faceless Manipulator, we used the card Mind vision.
  • Iceblock prevents the Priest from dying.
  • The spellpower increases the number of missiles casted by Arcane Missiles. 14 spellpower = +15 missiles. this makes a total amount of 14 + 3 = 17 missiles. Prophet Velen doubles the number of missiles. Because there are 7 on the battlefield, the number of missiles has been multiplied 2^7 = 128 times. 17 = 2 176 missiles. Finally, Arcane Missiles x 9 have been cast, which gives 2 176 x 9 = 19 584 missiles.
  • 3/4 of the missile hit an Acolyte. 3/4 x 19 584 = 14 688 cards drawn.
  • 14 688 cards of fatigue drawn = ((14 688)x(14 688+1))/2 = 107 876 016 fatigue damages.
  • The turn should last a little bit more than 24 hours.
  • We did not over buff the Velens because the game crashes if more than 2’500 missiles are shot with each spell card.

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