Samsung is reportedly working on a new XR headset

Samsung is reportedly working on a new XR headset

Samsung is reportedly working on a new XR headset that will be more competitive with the Apple Vision Pro. This new headset is expected to have a sleeker design, more powerful hardware, and a lower price tag.

Leaked prototype of Samsung's XR headset that was apparently scrapped after the company saw the Apple Vision Pro.

The prototype had similar features to the Vision Pro, such as four tracking cameras, dual RGB cameras, and a depth sensor for full-color passthrough. However, it was less powerful and had a more bulky design.

Samsung is reportedly working on a new XR headset that will be more competitive with the Vision Pro. This new headset is expected to have a sleeker design, more powerful hardware, and a lower price tag.

It is unclear when Samsung will release its new XR headset. However, it is likely to be sometime in 2024 or later.

I think Samsung is making a wise decision to scrap the leaked prototype and start over. The Vision Pro is a very impressive headset, and Samsung needs to make sure its own headset is at least as good if it wants to compete. By starting over, Samsung has the opportunity to design a headset that is both powerful and affordable.

I am excited to see what Samsung comes up with. The XR headset market is still in its early stages, and there is a lot of potential for innovation. Samsung has the resources and the expertise to make a great XR headset, and I am confident that they will succeed.


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