Bread and Pastry Production

Bread and Pastry Production This course is designed for high school student to develop knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform the tasks on Bread and Pastry Production. It covers core competencies namely: 1) prepare and produce bakery products; 2) prepare and produce pastry products; 3) prepare and present gateau, tortes and cakes; 4) prepare and display petit fours and 5) present deserts.

Bread and Pastry Production

This course is designed for high school student to develop knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform the tasks on Bread and Pastry Production. It covers core competencies namely: 1) prepare and produce bakery products; 2) prepare and produce pastry products; 3) prepare and present gateau, tortes and cakes; 4) prepare and display petit fours and 5) present deserts.

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