Why Should You Begin Your New Fitness Routine Before the New Year?

Only fools look forward to the new year. You're wiser than that
If you want to start or continue a fitness habit in the new year, here's the finest advice you'll hear all month: start now. Yes, right now, in the midst of the Christmas season and year-end stress. Yes, now, when no one else is interested. Yes, even if you haven't chosen what you want to accomplish or how to go about doing it. Now is the ideal time.

Starting now allows you to determine what you desire

Even if you think of January as your fresh start in fitness and life, you may think of December as your sandbox, where you can test out ideas and think about what you truly want.

If you haven't been to the gym in a while, go now. Examine the facility, try out the machines, and look through the class schedule. Take a class or two, but make no commitments to yourself about when you'll return. If you haven't yet joined a gym, go to a few different ones and take your time making a decision.

Experimenting is beneficial since it educates you about yourself and the item you're doing. Maybe you planned to start couch-to-5K in the new year, but you've fallen in love with the exercise bike instead. Maybe you were planning to perform a basic routine on the machines at your gym, but you picked up a barbell on a whim and now you're thinking you should learn to use the squat rack instead.

You will enjoy the mental health advantages

December is a difficult month for many of us, whether it's good stress, bad stress, or a combination of the two. I spent the last month of the year hitting my forehead and thinking to myself, "Oh right, I have to do this too!" " where "this" means choosing a health insurance plan, finishing a project for an end-of-year deadline, or attending a Christmas concert for children. I'm sure I'm not alone.

At first glance, it may appear like fitting in a few of workouts every week will add to the burden. However, a workout is the simplest thing to schedule because it requires no preparation or study. All you have to do is show up and do it. If necessary, plan it and keep the appointment with yourself. Exercise is a stress reliever, and getting into an exercise regimen will likely lessen the overall stress in your life.

Starting your regimen when you're busy will help keep you accountable. Are you really going to drive to that gym on the other side of town? If you can keep it up through December, you know the habit is a keeper. On the other hand, if you find yourself foregoing the commute in favor of going for a run in your neighborhood or doing some pushups and kettlebell swings at home, perhaps that's what you'll be able to stick to in the future as well.

You'll beat the crowd

Gyms fill up in January; it's merely one of the world's inherent cycles. Instead of fighting for a treadmill when everyone else is, why not start now when you have the place to yourself? When there are only a few regulars and you, learn your way around the gym.

When it does become packed after the new year, you'll already be familiar with the area. Instead of wondering where you can locate a pair of 2.5-pound plates, you'll know that the gym has two and that one of them is normally on the very last bench rack in the row.

You'll also have established your habit and preferences by then. You know which courses to sign up for since you've tried them all; you know what to dress for cold weather runs because you've done a couple. You know that if you have a cold and have to miss a session, it's not the end of the world because you have a couple weeks of consistency under your belt and you know you'll be back. You'll be able to complete tasks with confidence because you began the process a month ago. In other words, right now.


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