History, Importance, and Activities for National Bartender Day 2022

This year's National Bartender Day is on December 2nd; this day is also known as Bartender Appreciation Day since it honors bartenders!
National Bartender Day, also known as Bartender Appreciation Day, is observed yearly on the first Friday of December, which occurs on December 2nd this year. This day acknowledges and honours bartenders for their hard work and achievements.

Most vocations have a day set aside for them, and bartending is no different. The goal of National Bartender Day is to make consumers aware of the crucial role that bartenders play in our lives today, and why they should be appreciated!

So, whether you go out to a bar or restaurant in your area, go to a new location in town, or grab a drink with your favorite bartender pal, December 2 is the day to express your love for all the mixologists out there.

History of National Bartender Day

Bartenders have been around for a long time. Maybe not literally, but it appears like way. Bartenders, or some variation of them, have existed in several societies for hundreds of years. Bartenders were almost certainly present in ancient societies. Documentation, on the other hand, dates back to at least the 1400s in Europe. Innkeepers managed not just their inns, but also the bars. To keep their visitors happy and comfortable, they also manufactured their own ales and spirits.

Historically, bartending was a low-status occupation. It was seen through the prism of ethical considerations and numerous legal limits associated with alcohol serving. Bars in the United States were popular locations to socialize in the late 1800s. (Previously, these were sleazy, untrustworthy establishments.) Bartenders began creating their own concoctions and dressed up for work. Jerry Thomas, a saloon marvel, was one such bartender who popularized the image of the bartender as a creative professional. He created The Bartender's Guide, the first cocktail book published in the United States.

Women, such as Ada Coleman, made up slightly less than half of London's bartenders at the start of the twentieth century. "Barmaids" were mainly the daughters of businessmen or mechanics, or, on rare occasions, young ladies from the "better-born" classes who had been "thrown upon their own resources" and required an income. However, the perception of bartending as a vocation is changing across the world, and bartending has become a profession of choice rather than necessity. It includes specialist education, such as the European Bartender School, which has campuses in 25 countries.

National Bartender Day started in the United States and is associated with the beverages brand Sailor Jerry. They hope to promote awareness of the day throughout the world and have recently prepared a petition to be delivered to the British government requesting that National Bartender Day be declared a holiday in the UK and a day off for all bartenders. Their major point is that bartenders do much more than just mix drinks; they give a type of silent support to unhappy, dissatisfied clients, making them feel as though someone truly cares about what they're going through.

The Importance of National Bartender Day

What would we do if we didn't have bartenders? Bartenders make our weekends better by giving up innovative cocktails and welcoming us at our favorite hangouts. But it is often seen that we don't think about all the hard work that our bartenders do for us. Although we can say that there has been a huge improvement in terms of appreciation and respect over the last century, there are still some people who don't value the importance of bartenders or disrespect their profession. As a result, this day raises public awareness of the issue.

A bartender is someone who prepares and serves alcoholic or soft drink beverages behind the bar, generally at a licensed institution such as restaurants or nightclubs, but also at private events on occasion. Bartenders are also responsible for the bar's supply and inventory. Bartenders are also responsible for ensuring that customers are of legal drinking age before offering them alcoholic beverages. Certain nations, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Sweden, mandate bartenders to reject more drink to inebriated patrons. As you can see, they have a variety of responsibilities in addition to providing alcohol.

Bartenders in the United States are encouraged to be welcoming and courteous to their customers. Their clients' needs and desires, as well as their safety and satisfaction of their time at the bar, become their top focus. Bartenders are encouraged to assist their customers in any way they can. Bartenders might go to particular schools or study on the job. In the United States, bartenders typically get on-the-job training from the owners, management, or other experienced superior personnel.

Bartending is become a well-known and admired profession. Bartenders work hard to advance in their careers, and they sometimes have to work their way up to more prominent bars. They are also continually studying and developing new cocktails in order to make your beverage selections diverse and enjoyable. Nonetheless, bartenders make an average of $11.64 per hour (not including tips). As a result, this day provides a fantastic opportunity to support these bartenders who make our 

National Bartender Day Celebrations

There are several ways to commemorate this day, but they all boil down to the same idea: express your appreciation and thanks to the bartenders you've met in your life who have helped make an otherwise awful evening bearable by listening to what you had to say when no one else would. Don't forget to express your gratitude to all of these diligent bartenders!

Buy and offer your bartender a drink or two, and share a few laughs. In fact, if you have some extra time, you might flip the conventional bartender-listening-to-frustrated-patron situation on its head and ask your bartender if there is anything he or she would want to discuss. So go ahead and do a little role reversal for the day; it will help you comprehend from their perspective as well.

You may also take advantage of this chance to tip any bartenders you encounter during the day, whether at bars or restaurants. Or, if you have a buddy who is a bartender, use this occasion to offer him a present, and if you are a bartender yourself, use this day to honor yourself by having fun!


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