Because Godzilla and Kong are now pals, the upcoming Monsterverse film is supposedly titled Godzilla And Kong

Although not officially confirmed, the title appears to confirm that this is the big Lizard/Ape team-up film we've all been waiting for
If there's one significant lesson from last year's Godzilla Vs. Kong—a film we finished after renting it on VOD last spring and didn't abandon as soon as supper was done so we could watch anything we wanted—that it's King Kong and Godzilla are now pals. Still not convinced? Take a look at the rumored title for the next part of Legendary's continuing this-will-be-a-cinematic-universe-if-it-fuckin'-kills-us Monsterverse series, and notice the conjunction at the core of it: Godzilla And Kong, baby. Best friends for life!

To be fair, this title hasn't been officially announced; reports of the name come from photos of crew members wearing clothes with the new logo on them, so it's always possible the movie will end up being called Godzilla Or Kong, Godzilla But Kong, or even Godzilla Yet Kong, which has a wistfulness to it that we actually like. Nonetheless, the "And" thing does tie into the film's previously released synopsis, which states that it pits "the almighty Kong *and* the fearsome Godzilla against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world."

Even if you're not enamored with the idea of a big nuclear lizard and The Large Ape being best friends, grabbing a drink after work, helping each other move, and so on—or the secret origins of "The Titans," which is what these movies call kaiju, and which this film appears to be promising—there's still something to get excited about here. That is, of course, the news that Dan Stevens will be reuniting with Godzilla Vs. Kong director Adam Wingard for this one, which means it may as well be called Godzilla And Kong And The Guest.

#Godzilla #KingKong #Kong #Monsterverse

SOURCE: avclub

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