Railbound Is A Lovely Puzzle Game About Dogs And Trains

Get those miniature trains moving down those miniature rails
Do you enjoy trains? And stunning animation? What about dogs? And what about puzzles? And what about video games? Of course you do, which is why you'll like Railbound just as much as I did.

Railbound, which was released this week on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android, is a puzzle game that requires you to reconnect an adorable little train with its cute little carriages as swiftly and cleanly as possible. As a disembodied railway engineer, you must create a limited amount of tracks in such a way that the carriages not only return to the train, but also arrive in order.
This game is fantastic. The puzzles are good and challenging, and the complexity ramps up at just the perfect pace, but it's the presentation that makes it stand out. The trains lurch rather than move. You don't just lay tracks; they pop when you land. Everything is adorable and enjoyable, and has a tangible feel to it, as if we were playing with a board game or a hefty children's toy.

There are around 150 stages to complete, the majority of which are presented as a linear campaign, but some of which are unlockable alternatives. And it's the time aspect of the puzzles that makes the difference here; merely connecting the carriages is typically no problem, but connecting them in the correct sequence may be a nightmare, involving all kinds of trial and error.

Fortunately, things never become truly frustrating; it's so simple to go back a step or repeat a puzzle, and everything is so bright, joyful, and playful—aided by its laid-back soundtrack—that you could spend an eternity getting everything wrong and still feel nothing but joy.

While the game is "released" this week, the makers promise more content later in 2022, including "new planets with a brand-new mechanic" (semaphores) and "accessibility fixes, including a colorblind mode."

#Dogs #Railbound #PuzzleGame

SOURCE: kotaku

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