How to handle hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating

How to handle hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating

Sweating is a very common reaction to physical exertion, hot weather, and even emotions like fear or shame
We typically use a process known as thermoregulation to make sweat in order to cool down our bodies. Our brain sends signals to more than 3 million glands to release a colorless fluid called sweat in response to a rise in body temperature. It balances and lowers body temperature as it evaporates from the skin.

The overproduction of this sweat is known as hyperhidrosis, and it is more prevalent in certain areas, such as the face, head, inguinal region, hands, feet, soles, and armpits. All as a result of the glands' hyperfunction. Dermatologists make diagnoses after performing examinations and researching family histories.

There are two types of secondary focal: primary and generalized. About 5% of people have primary focal, which is a genetic disorder that manifests in childhood or adolescence and is characterized by complaints of excessive sweating in places like the armpits, palms, scalp, face, and groin. The generalized secondary condition, which first manifests in adulthood, is marked by excessive body perspiration, even while you're sleeping, and it's either linked to certain diseases or a side effect of specific medications, according to the dermatologist. Jennifer Seidel.
How to handle hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating

A thorough examination is required

Fabiana explains that in order to treat hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to first determine whether the condition is caused by a disease or medication. "In cases of primary focal hyperhidrosis, we can use aluminum salt-based deodorants and antiperspirants." 'Botulinum toxin treatment is indicated in cases of moderate focal hyperhidrosis, with excellent results lasting six to nine months, and applications must be maintained during these periods,' he explains.

Surgical treatment may be required in more severe cases. Surgery is typically recommended for palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis (palm and sole of the foot), but it carries the risk of compensatory hyperhidrosis in another part of the body. As a result, all treatments should be evaluated by a physician in terms of risks, costs, and benefits," Seidl warns.
How to handle hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating


"Uncomfort can have serious psychological and social consequences due to a variety of causes (genetic, emotional, or pathological), but it is treatable," he explains. Leonor, a dermatologist at Dr. Andre Braz in Rio de Janeiro, is not one of them. The most common methods are:
How to handle hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating

Use antiperspirants designed specifically for the affected area

Botulinum toxin: When applied to the affected area, it reduces sweating temporarily. It lasts eight to ten months and is the best option for those who do not want to have surgery. However, people who perform joint work with their hands, such as surgeons or musicians, should avoid it because there may be a slight loss of skill.

Sympathectomy: This procedure is most commonly used when clinical treatments have failed. The procedure "turns off" the signal that tells the body to sweat excessively. The only contraindication is compensatory hyperhidrosis, which occurs when a person starts sweating excessively in other areas of the body.

Iontophoresis: This treatment temporarily disables sweat glands by using an electric current. It is most effective on the hands and feet.

Pharmaceutical: Although effective, they are less commonly used due to side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, and urination problems.
How to handle hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating

Rashes on the skin

According to Ace, a lack of treatment can result in a red rash. It can also appear as blisters or red, itchy lumps after exercise. Cold water compresses, warm water, and a soothing body lotion can help relieve symptoms. Drinking plenty of water is advised to avoid drying out the skin.

Another factor is increased skin oiliness and moisture, which may predispose to the development of onychomycosis. In these cases, a dermatologist may advise using creams or lotions on a daily basis until the spots are completely gone," he explains.

SOURCE: brytfmonline

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