Rodante Marcoleta asks Duterte to sign the Vape Bill

Rodante Marcoleta asks Duterte to sign the Vape Bill

Why would you oppose a bill that seeks to regulate a vice or so-called "sin products"?
SENATORIAL bet and House Deputy Speaker Dante Marcoleta, a known administration loyalist, asked President Rodrigo Duterte to pass the Vape Bill into law on Friday, citing the urgent necessity to regulate vapor goods in order to preserve public health and prevent the introduction of illegitimate items.

"Contrary to the fake news spread by some doctors-turned-charlatans, we still do not have a comprehensive law that regulates vapor products on matters pertaining to manufacture, sale, advertising, packaging, use, product standards, and product registration, unlike cigarettes." Why would you oppose a bill that seeks to regulate a vice or so-called "sin products"?

According to the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, there are around 16 million Filipino smokers in the Philippines today.

"I recall in one of our discussions, the WHO scientist-representative I questioned was compelled to confess that vape or heated tobacco products are less toxic than ordinary cigarettes," he said.

Every year, about 100,000 Filipinos die as a result of smoking-related ailments, and the country's annual quit rate, or the percentage of smokers who will stop smoking each year, is a dismal 4%.

"Most Filipinos, including smokers, their affected family members, and friends, want to see an end to the sale of cigarettes in the country because smoking kills. However, if we do not provide an alternative to smokers who are unable to stop smoking, the deaths will continue. That is why I believe the Vape Bill is Congress's response to the public's clamor to stop the smoking epidemic in the country. This is our gift to the Filipino people towards better health and well-being," Mar said.

According to ACORN Marketing & Research Consultants, the biggest independent Asian research network, 94 percent of Filipinos think that the government should establish programs to encourage adult smokers to transition to less dangerous tobacco alternatives.

"I humbly request that our President sign the Vape Bill so that we can either save the lives of 16 million Filipino smokers and the millions who may follow and be at risk of contracting smoking-related diseases, or at the very least reduce the number of deaths this year." Congress and the Senate worked hard to perfect this bill, the deliberations of which began in 2018, with the participation of these doctors-turned-charlatans, so that we can protect and promote public health.

The Vape Bill was approved by both chambers of Congress two weeks ago with overwhelming support. It has rigorous precautions against children' usage, such as prohibiting its sale to minors, prohibiting the use of taste descriptions that appeal to kids, and imposing harsh penalties for violations. The Vape Bill also includes a number of restrictions designed to discourage the sale of illicit and unregistered vape goods.

#RodanteMarcoleta #Vape #Vaping #VapeFam

SOURCE: yahoo

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