No, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Is Not In Among Us

In the next Marvel Studios picture, director James Gunn pays homage to another well-known sci-fi thriller
The first trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has been released. 3 is brimming with vivid, intriguing visuals. You may go through each frame to see who lives, who dies, what's going on, and so on. (In fact, we have; check it out.) With the film's release date still six months away, writer/director James Gunn doesn't want to reveal anything, but when it came to one scene in particular, he chose to clarify it.

The scene in question portrays five Guardians (Gamora, Star-Lord, Mantis, Nebula, and Drax, we believe) donning vividly colored spacesuits and slowly descending into space to some unknown world. An example may be seen above. While the bright colors are unmistakably Teletubbies, the form and hues prompted a Twitter user to question Gunn, "that's an Among Us reference in the new Guardians trailer, right?" " Gunn responded:
"No," Gunn wrote, beside a shot from another well-known sci-fi film that featured brightly colored spacesuits: Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's a movie so well-known that he didn't even need to state the title; simply show the image and most people will get the allusion.

This film has had a fantastic week. 2001 was just named the sixth finest picture of all time in the current Sight and Sound poll (compiled by critics), as well as the best film of all time according to film directors. So it's definitely a little more well-known than Among Us.

And, while it would be simple to slam the question by saying, "People should watch more classic movies!"

" I honestly believe the contrary. The fact that Gunn meant to pay homage to 2001, but that others saw Among Us (or Teletubbies) is the beauty of art. Once it's out there, it's no longer the creator's property; it's yours.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 opens May 5, 2023.


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