How to Repair a Leaky Air Mattress Without a Patch Kit

How to fill little voids in your house using stuff you already have
It's that time of year for holiday houseguests and air mattresses. And you've probably heard or remarked, "Don't worry—we have an air mattress!" " only to discover that it leaks." This realization generally occurs late on the first night of the stay, when everyone is fatigued and just wants to sleep.

Many air mattresses now include a repair kit in the packaging, so if you still have it—or if you happen to have a bicycle tire patch kit lying around—then follow the guidelines on the package and you should be fine.

Even if you don't have a patch kit at home, there are various ways to temporarily fix the leak in your air mattress. Here's what you should do.

How to Repair a Leaking Air Mattress
Let's put a halt to that leak:

Locate the leak

First, you must identify the source of the leak. Inflate the air mattress and place it against a wall, with the bottom facing you. (Small holes or tears are more likely on the mattress's bottom.) Next, look, listen, and feel for air escaping—including at the mattress's seams. If required, flip the mattress to inspect the top and sides.

If it doesn't work, wet and soapy a sponge and wipe it on the surfaces of the mattress, looking for bubbles generated by air escaping from the hole or rip in the mattress.

Check the gasket as well, since that might be the source of the leak. If that's the case, you won't be able to fix it yourself and would most likely need to replace the mattress. If you feel the air mattress is malfunctioning, you may always contact the manufacturer, especially if it is new.

It should be marked and cleaned

Mark the leak with a permanent marker as soon as you find it. Then deflate the mattress and thoroughly clean the area surrounding the leak with soap and water before allowing it to dry fully.

Repair the leak

This is when you'd utilize a patch kit to complete the task. However, because you lack one, here are some alternatives:

The superglue

To repair leaks in the mattress seams, use super glue. To seal the seam, pinch it or fold it over, then add super glue. Hold the bonded seam together for a minute or two to let it set (avoiding any glue leaks or excess).

Liner for shower curtains

To construct your own patch, cut a piece of thin plastic material, such as a shower curtain liner or pool liner. Cut a piece large enough to cover the leaky area entirely, with some overlap. Then, using super glue or rubber cement (or another strong adhesive), apply the DIY patch to the mattress.


You don't have a shower curtain liner to rip up? Take an old T-shirt and cut a portion somewhat larger than the leaked region. This time, however, apply the glue to both the area surrounding the leak on the mattress and the back of the fabric.

The duct tape

Duct tape can be used as a last resort. Cut a piece to fit over the hole or leaking location, then set something heavy on top of the patch for a few minutes to help it adhere.


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