How to Never Lose Another Umbrella for the Rest of Your Life

How to Never Lose Another Umbrella for the Rest of Your Life

It's becoming crazy how frequently you leave an umbrella behind
It is an unavoidable aspect of human life that we lose around 100 percent of the umbrellas we purchase. Almost everyone has had the sensation of being six blocks away from a restaurant as the rain begins to fall, bringing to memory a crystal clear vision of your umbrella on the floor under your seat. This is why every convenience shop in the universe has a stock of inexpensive umbrellas on hand: people regularly lose them.

No longer bemoan your situation. Science has been working on the problem, and it turns out that there are several tried and proven methods to avoid ever leaving your umbrella behind again.
How to Never Lose Another Umbrella for the Rest of Your Life

Play mental games with oneself

One of the biggest reasons we lose so many umbrellas is that we don't appreciate them—which is likely because you bought the cheapest one you could find the last time you got caught in a downpour. Without any kind of investment, you unconsciously see the umbrella as a throwaway item—so one simple remedy is to eventually invest in a non-sucking umbrella. You don't have to spend $500 on a Burberry, but spending more than $5 on your next umbrella could encourage you to preserve it with the same zeal as you do your other treasures. Plus, if you're prone to misplacing your umbrellas, a more costly one that you don't misplace might save you money in the long term.

If your budget doesn't allow for more expensive umbrellas or you've discovered that you're capable of losing surprisingly expensive items, science has a solution known as "unitization." This involves connecting two concepts in your mind and has been found to be very effective in helping older people with memory challenges, according to a study published in the journal Memory & Cognition. The way it can work for the umbrella-challenged is simple: when you set your umbrella down anywhere, envision it stuck in the door you'll need to depart via. It may sound strange, but what it accomplishes is subconsciously associate the umbrella with the act of leaving and another object—in this example, the door. When you rise up to depart, the picture will remind you to grab your umbrella.
How to Never Lose Another Umbrella for the Rest of Your Life

More hints and tips

If the unitization strategy does not appeal to you, there are a few more simple ways you may attempt in your quest to be buried with your $5 CVS umbrella:

If the umbrella includes a Velcro strap to keep it closed, consider hooking it to your shoelace or another piece of clothing when you place it down on the floor.

Make use of an umbrella with a cover. When you enter, put the umbrella cover on and tuck something simpler to remember, such as your vehicle keys, inside. You'll hunt for your keys and remember your umbrella when you get up to go.
How to Never Lose Another Umbrella for the Rest of Your Life

Alternatively, use technology

Finally, if you're the kind of person who enjoys addressing basic issues with really delicate and complex technology, you could attach a Tile or AirTag to your umbrella and set a separation alarm to notify you if you leave it behind. Alternatively, when you lay down your umbrella somewhere, create a reminder on your phone's calendar app for when you expect to leave. If you aren't ready to go when it goes off, simply snooze it till you are. It's annoying, but it works.

#Umbrella #LoseUmbrella #Memory #MemoryLoss  #AirTag

SOURCE: lifehacker

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