Why Kit Kat's Coolest Flavors Aren't Sold in All Countries

Why Kit Kat's Coolest Flavors Aren't Sold in All Countries

There are plenty of amazing flavors out there to discover, so be sure to keep an eye out for new and exciting Kit Kat bars
If you're a fan of Kit Kat, you may have noticed that the flavors available in the US are pretty limited compared to other parts of the world. In Japan, for example, there are hundreds of different Kit Kat flavors, including everything from Matcha to Wasabi.

So why don't we get all the cool flavors in the US? It all comes down to who owns the rights to sell Kit Kat in different countries.

In the US, Kit Kat is owned by Hershey. In the rest of the world, it's owned by Nestlé. This means that Hershey has the final say on what flavors are sold in the US, and they tend to be more conservative with their choices.

Nestlé, on the other hand, is much more experimental with their Kit Kat flavors. They've released everything from sake to green tea to sweet potato. And because they have a much larger market to sell to, they can afford to take more risks.

So if you're looking for the coolest Kit Kat flavors, you're going to have to go outside of the US. But if you're happy with the traditional flavors, you can still find those at your local grocery store.

Here are some of the coolest Kit Kat flavors that you can't find in the US:

  • Matcha: This green tea flavor is a popular choice in Japan.
  • Wasabi: This spicy Japanese horseradish flavor is definitely not for the faint of heart.
  • Melon: This sweet and refreshing flavor is perfect for a hot summer day.
  • Milk Tea: This creamy and flavorful tea flavor is a popular choice in Asia.
  • Salted Lemon: This unique flavor combines the tartness of lemon with the saltiness of sea salt.
These are just a few of the many amazing Kit Kat flavors that you can find around the world. So if you're looking for a new and exciting flavor to try, be sure to do some exploring. You may just find your new favorite candy bar.

Why do Hershey and Nestlé have different strategies for Kit Kat?

There are a few reasons why Hershey and Nestlé have different strategies for Kit Kat.
  • Different target markets: Hershey's target market for Kit Kat is primarily in the US, where traditional flavors are more popular. Nestlé, on the other hand, has a global target market, and they're more willing to experiment with different flavors.
  • Different risk tolerances: Hershey is a more conservative company than Nestlé, and they're less likely to take risks with new flavors. Nestlé, on the other hand, is more willing to take risks, and they're confident that their global market will be receptive to new flavors.
  • Different manufacturing capabilities: Hershey has different manufacturing capabilities than Nestlé. Hershey is better equipped to produce large quantities of traditional flavors, while Nestlé is better equipped to produce smaller quantities of more experimental flavors.

Will we ever see more unique Kit Kat flavors in the US?

It's possible that we'll see more unique Kit Kat flavors in the US in the future. As the market for candy continues to evolve, Hershey may become more open to experimenting with new flavors. And as Nestlé continues to release new flavors around the world, there's a chance that some of those flavors will eventually make their way to the US.

Only time will tell what the future holds for Kit Kat flavors in the US. But one thing is for sure: there are plenty of amazing flavors out there to discover, so be sure to keep an eye out for new and exciting Kit Kat bars.


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