Which Phone is Stronger? (iPhone 11 Vs Samsung S10 Vs Nokia 3310)

Image result for nokia 3310 drop test 1000 feet

Another Proof that Nokia 3310 is Though as you can't Imagine

Which Phone Survives from a 1000 feet Drop Test?

In this video we can see that they flew in a Helicopter to test the Durability of 3 Phones. The New iPhone 11, the Samsung S10, and the Old but Long-Lasting Nokia 3310
We all heard that Nokia 3310 is as Though as hell, but can it withstand a free fall drop from 250 feet? or from 500 feet? how about 750 feet? but make it more challenging, Dropping those Phones from a Thousand feet (1000 feet) from a Helicopter.

SOURCE: How Ridiculous

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