The COVID vaccine has been proven to impact your Menstrual Cycle

The COVID vaccine has been proven to impact your Menstrual Cycle

There is also no proof that having the vaccination would create reproductive problems

A new research has recently proven what many of menstruating women and non-binary people have been reporting for months: the Covid-19 vaccination may affect your menstruation. According to the research, taking the jab might cause changes to your menstruation (such as postponing it or having a thicker flow), but they're just temporary.

More than 36,000 persons reported post-vaccination period abnormalities to the MHRA Yellow Card system.

According to the BBC, a specialist in menstruation, Dr. Victoria Male of Imperial College London, has claimed (after studying different research on the phenomenon from the US and Norway) that the results are "reassuring" One such research, which included almost 4,000 women who used cycle-tracking, discovered that their next period was delayed by half a day on average after their second dose, while there was no delay after the first.

It's also been claimed that one in ten of those women's cycles were changed by more than eight days (compared to one in every 25 unvaccinated women), but their periods reverted to normal after two cycles.

Women in the US trial who received both vaccination doses within one cycle experienced a two-day delay in commencing their period, but Dr Male points out that this is unlikely to affect females in the UK due to the extended duration between shots.

Dr. Male also references another Norwegian study effort (including over 5,600 women) that shown how much periods may vary naturally — due to a variety of factors ranging from food changes to stress. Even before getting vaccinated, over 40% of research participants experienced at least one change in their period, with the most often reported difference being heavier than normal bleeding.

Dr. Male went on to say, "Changes to the menstrual cycle can occur following immunization - but they are modest compared to natural fluctuation and soon reverse... [Concerns about fertility being impacted have emerged] from misconception that Covid-19 vaccinations cause female infertility."

She did, however, emphasize that additional research into infertile couples was required.

The findings of a study involving UK-based users of the same menstrual-cycle monitoring software are likely to be released soon.

#Vaccine #Covid19 #MesntrualPeriod
#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

SOURCE: yahoo

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