Importance of Lettuce other than for Samgyeopsal

Importance of Lettuce other than for Samgyeopsal

There is a lot to offer other than with Samgyeopsal

Lettuce is widely cultivated and consumed in the Philippines, where it is found in all Filipino dishes. It is the most popular salad green in the country and the first item added to the table in most gatherings, except in the most traditional wedding gatherings.

Lettuce has high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B6. On a caloric basis, it is the second-most nutrient-rich food after the potato, although a large head of lettuce is far from an adequate source of essential vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals.

It’s not often that a popular produce goes into short supply. But according to the data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), lettuce is experiencing a shortage in the country. This means that the current market price of lettuce is quite a premium to consumers.

Consumers who love lettuce for its cool, crunchy and fresh texture have to shell out a hefty amount of money to purchase it these days. This is the first time that this food item has reached this price point, says PSA.

The average price of a head of lettuce is around P450-P500. At the same time, most of the lettuce being exported from the country is around P100-P300 per kilo. The higher price of lettuce is expected to last for at least another few weeks, even if the shortage is already resolved.

PSA’s latest Market Indicator report, which covers the period of September to November 2018, says that the price of lettuce per kilo increased from an average of P270 to P470 between the third quarter of last year and the first three months of 2018.

This price increase has been caused by the high demand for lettuce in the country as well as its steady supply. PSA says that the highest level of demand for lettuce, as recorded by the latest data, was in November. At the same time, the report also shows that the highest prices for lettuce were recorded in September and October.

What are the causes of the lettuce shortage?

According to PSA, the shortage of lettuce in the Philippines started in April 2018, although the data collected for the months of July-November also shows some high prices in the market.

The reasons behind the high price of lettuce could be three-fold. First, there is an increase in demand for fresh produce as the demand for frozen or canned goods has dropped significantly. Secondly, there has been a high volume of imports of lettuce from Thailand and India which, although they may have been imported via Canada, are mostly used for the domestic market. Thirdly, there is the production of lettuce by foreign companies such as Australia’s Chik-fil-A whose products are also mostly distributed locally.

The good news is that the lettuce shortage is still localized, as most of the lettuce imported to the Philippines are supplied by the local and regional exporters.

Good thing Red Rock Aquaponics grows organic pesticide-free lettuce, saving great amounts of water and energy, enhancing production and productivity using aquaponics farming concept.

They offering partnership with establishments like Restaurants and Groceries Store to supply the best and Fresh Lettuce in any type, at the best price.

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