South Carolina Governor says He will Again BAN Gay Marriage

"Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman," Gov. Henry McMaster (R) told a debate audience on Wednesday
South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) declared on Wednesday that he would support making gay marriage illegal in his state again, during the state's lone gubernatorial debate. Gay marriage was only legal in South Carolina because of a Supreme Court verdict in 2015.

"Gay marriage is prohibited by our constitution and by state legislation." "I would obey state law, whatever it is," McMaster stated. "Perhaps I'm old-fashioned, but I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, just as I believe boys should play boys' sports and girls should play girls' sports."

His bigoted statement came in response to a query about whether McMaster would or would not support legislation repealing the state's current prohibition on homosexual marriage. South Carolina fought against homosexual marriage until Obergefell v. Hodges overturned state laws against it.
This is the first time McMaster has mentioned homosexual marriage during the campaign. According to the South Carolina Post and Courier, McMaster's remarks caught his opponent, Democrat Joe Cunningham, off guard, and he attempted to walk them back. McMaster stated, "I don't care who you love or don't love, who you want to live with or what you want to do." "That is your concern. But, in my opinion, marriage is a unique institution that should be kept for a man and a woman."
McMaster's remarks are, of course, heinous. The capacity to be legally bonded and receive the same legal and economic benefits as heterosexual married couples is literally the lowest bar of legal equality. But what's so heinous about it is that it supports Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's view that Obergefell was one of several "demonstrably erroneous decisions" made by the previous judiciary.

#LGBTQ+ #GayMarriage #McMaster #Gay #Lesbian #LesbianMarriage

SOURCE: jezebel

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