Expert advises never to forget to do this before going to bed in a hotel room

Relax, it's just about the Alarm Clock

Relax, it's just about the Alarm Clock

When you book a hotel room for pleasure, you expect (at the very least) a nice night's sleep. After all, you could be on vacation and away from the stresses of work or even the noise of your home surroundings. And if you're staying at a hotel for work, you'll definitely need a solid night's sleep: perhaps you're giving a big presentation in the morning, or you'll be expected to come up with huge ideas during a busy day of meetings. Regardless, you want your night of sleep in a hotel bed to be restful and uninterrupted. Here's what experts suggest you should always do before hitting the hay in a hotel room to make it count.

Never forget to check the hotel alarm clock before sleeping for the night.
Never forget to check the hotel alarm clock before sleeping for the night.
Even though the cleaning staff left your room immaculately clean and sanitized after the last guest, they may have failed to do one key item that is critical for a good night's sleep: turn off the alarm after the previous guest's use. And if that alarm has been set for an inconvenient hour—say, for a prior guest's early-morning flight—make sure you turn it off before it wakes you up at that time, too, adds Brandon Berkson, hotel expert and founder of the curated boutique lodging directory Hotels Above Par.

A hotel alarm clock can be especially disruptive to insomniacs and light sleepers.
A hotel alarm clock can be especially disruptive to insomniacs and light sleepers.
People who can readily return to sleep will be less concerned by a likely late-night or early-morning waking. Those who have trouble falling back asleep—or even getting to sleep in the first place—should be especially mindful of the hotel alarm clock before shutting their eyes. "You should constantly check the alarm clock to see if it hasn't been previously set, especially if you're a light sleeper or have trouble falling back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night," Berkson advises.

If you're unsure how to use it, simply unplug it.
If you're unsure how to use it, simply unplug it.
Nothing is more annoying than thinking you've reset your alarm clock only to be abruptly awakened because you didn't do it right. While you may believe you are technologically smart, if you have any worries, take the most extreme approach: unplugging it completely can provide you with the peace of mind to sleep soundly.

Use your phone's alarm instead of the hotel's.
Use your phone's alarm instead of the hotel's.
If you do need to set an alarm, here's a pro tip: Use the one on your phone instead, because you'll be more familiar with how it works and will be more likely to receive a consistent outcome.

"Sometimes I'll try to set an alarm clock at the hotel where I'm staying, but it never goes off, not even at the hour I set it to," Berkson says. "As a result of these previous experiences, I'm now a firm believer in utilizing my phone as an alarm clock—always it's reliable."

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