Fundamentals Of Accounting Theory And Practice 1B

Fundamentals Of Accounting Theory And Practice 1B This course is the continuation of the Fundamentals of Accounting Theory and Practice 1 that introduced the students to the general field of information management particularly on the importance and significance of financial accounting information required by various business organizations in managing their operations. While it provided thorough knowledge and understanding of the basics and fundamentals of Accounting theory and practice, this course expand and raises such knowledge and understanding into the level of thorough and critical application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of financial data that are necessary and required by the various stakeholders and users of financial statements.

Fundamentals Of Accounting Theory And Practice 1B
This course is the continuation of the Fundamentals of Accounting Theory and Practice 1 that introduced the students to the general field of information management particularly on the importance and significance of financial accounting information required by various business organizations in managing their operations. While it provided thorough knowledge and understanding of the basics and fundamentals of Accounting theory and practice, this course expand and raises such knowledge and understanding into the level of thorough and critical application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of financial data that are necessary and required by the various stakeholders and users of financial statements.

This course focuses on mastering the tools and techniques of application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of financial information to render solid and strategic solutions to management and business problems. It exposes and deepen the students to the various issues regarding financial information on assets, liabilities, equities, revenues and expenses and how such information play a strategic function in the continued viability of the company’s operations

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