Calculus-Based Physics 1

Calculus-Based Physics 1 The course will enable the students to solve problems, using calculus methods when applicable, for the major concepts in physics to include; measurement; vector concepts; laws of motion, force, energy; principles of mechanics and statics; linear momentum; gravitation; oscillators; rotation; and vibrations.  The students will develop the ability to interpret and apply the experimental laws and fundamental principles of physics to describe the behavior of the physical world.  In the laboratory program, the students will develop the ability to appraise, use, and interpret data

Calculus-Based Physics 1
The course will enable the students to solve problems, using calculus methods when applicable, for the major concepts in physics to include; measurement; vector concepts; laws of motion, force, energy; principles of mechanics and statics; linear momentum; gravitation; oscillators; rotation; and vibrations.  The students will develop the ability to interpret and apply the experimental laws and fundamental principles of physics to describe the behavior of the physical world.  In the laboratory program, the students will develop the ability to appraise, use, and interpret data

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