Calculus-Based Physics 2

Calculus-Based Physics 2 This is a second course of a two semester sequence covering the fundamental concepts of physics. This course covers oscillatory motion, waves, Superposition and interference of waves, Diffraction, Electricity, and magnetism, Electric circuits, Light, Mirrors and lenses. Laboratories emphasize application of Physics concepts and quantitative problem solving skills. Intended for science major. Demonstrate the understanding of the fundamental concepts/laws in physics by explaining and discussing both verbally and in written language the physics concepts listed in course content, as well as their relevance to everyday events and circumstances in a broad interdisciplinary context.

Calculus-Based Physics 2
This is a second course of a two semester sequence covering the fundamental concepts of physics. This course covers oscillatory motion, waves, Superposition and interference of waves, Diffraction, Electricity, and magnetism, Electric circuits, Light, Mirrors and lenses. Laboratories emphasize application of Physics concepts and quantitative problem solving skills. Intended for science major. Demonstrate the understanding of the fundamental concepts/laws in physics by explaining and discussing both verbally and in written language the physics concepts listed in course content, as well as their relevance to everyday events and circumstances in a broad interdisciplinary context.

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