Turning a $20 Grocery Store Cakes into a $500 Wedding Cake!

Turning a $20 Grocery Store Cake into a $500 Wedding Cake!

It's all the way down to Skills and Creativity

Turning THIS into THAT! DIY Wedding cake out of a store bought cake! 
Cakes you NEED to see: https://youtu.be/uPo5ntCsCns
This week I am tackling the impossible, by turning this into that featuring me turning a store bough grocery store cake into a elegant modern trendy wedding cake. The grocery store cake was iced in whipped buttercream icing and I am going to use that frosting to ice the bridal cake. This DIY wedding cake was so easy to make. I will show you how to create a two tiered cake iced in pink and navy blue icing and covered in gold leaf, and fresh roses and orchid flowers. Let's do this! 

My Recipes - http://www.theicingartist.com

Buttercream icing step by step - http://bit.ly/ButtercreamIcingTutorial
Covering a cake in fondant - http://bit.ly/CoveringCAKESinFondant
Back to the CAKE Basics - http://bit.ly/BackToTheCAKEbasics

Make sure to come back every week for new yummy videos! Xo

SOURCE: The Icing Artisthttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC500_29hTGKAj6GBmSoMiBw

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