Tourism Research Methods and Techniques

Tourism Research Methods and Techniques Research is a key to progress. There can be no progress without research in almost if not all human endeavor. In government, in education, in trade and commerce, and in all types and kinds of industries, research is vital and essential. Therefore, the methods and techniques must be taught and learned in graduate as well as in undergraduate educational work. This is imperative because the people who have gone through the college and graduate levels of education are the ones who are most expected to undertake research activities.

Tourism Research Methods and Techniques
Research is a key to progress. There can be no progress without research in almost if not all human endeavor. In government, in education, in trade and commerce, and in all types and kinds of industries, research is vital and essential. Therefore, the methods and techniques must be taught and learned in graduate as well as in undergraduate educational work. This is imperative because the people who have gone through the college and graduate levels of education are the ones who are most expected to undertake research activities.

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