The Science of Rock, Paper, or Scissors and how to WIN.

The best way to settle an argument since our Childhood is by a round of rock-paper-scissors, But a new study show some tips to help us WIN.

Normally this game is based on chance, but if we put Science into it, like the University of Sussex in UK and Ryerson University in Canada did, it shows that it's not that random at all, Human plays with emotions.

People tend to change one thing if something fails, and keeps it when it success, it is sometimes applicable to this game.

For example: if they win, they keep the same item, and if its a draw or they lose they will change immediately.

Research shows that we win or lose to this game because we are humans, and sometimes it can show what exactly a kind of behavior we had, if we want to try a lot of things even if we have nothing to gain, or we are a person wants to win and just stick to the plan.

Here are the some tips to win the Rock-Paper-Scissor game:

- if you loose, change to last item to pick (because your opponent, tend to keep their pick)
- if you win, use the item they pic (because the last thing they chose sucks, and they will look for a better one)
- if its a draw, same thing, pick your last item (because they tend to go back with the right one).

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