Discrete Structures 2

Discrete Structures 2 This course follows the Discrete Structures 1 course. Review of several topics discussed in Discrete Structures 1 is followed by discussions on Mathematical Logic, Graph Connectivity and Traversals, Isomorphisms, and Counting and Probability. The course ends with an introduction of Finite State Machines which will be discussed in depth in a later course, Automata and Formal Language Theory.

Discrete Structures 2
This course follows the Discrete Structures 1 course. Review of several topics discussed in Discrete Structures 1 is followed by discussions on Mathematical Logic, Graph Connectivity and Traversals, Isomorphisms, and Counting and Probability. The course ends with an introduction of Finite State Machines which will be discussed in depth in a later course, Automata and Formal Language Theory.

#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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Anonymous said...

it's missing the majority of the questions

Anonymous said...

It's missing the majority of the questions.