Why won't Yakult have a 1 Liter Bottle?

Why won't Yakult have a 1 Liter Bottle?

Ever wonder why a Big company who makes Yakult won't give us a bigger servings despite of a Huge demands?

If you grew up in the Philippines probably you already knew this kind of Drink and still wanting more after you've finished 1 bottle.

Yakult is a brand of cultured milk, it is also called Fermented milk. A dairy foods that have been fermented with lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, and Leuconostoc.

Well this question came from massive people that brought thing question up on their Blogs and Social Networking sites, and even came up with a petition for Yakult to have a 1 Liter bottle.
Why won't Yakult have a 1 Liter Bottle?
Why Carbonated drinks that we all knew that too much is bad, does have 1.5-Liter bottle, but a Good and Healthy drink won't give us a very large serving to have a good digestion.

Is it the Company never knew about the demands? or will it became more expensive?

Well here is WHY...
According to Yakult's company studies, they limit the amount of cultured milk to Avoid Contamination.

"A smaller bottle is more hygienic. A larger bottle that is not finished might be kept open, thus a bigger risk of infection with other bacteria" Yakult Malaysia said.

 "Opening and closing a larger bottle on numerous occasions can result in a decrease in the number of live probiotic bacteria due to the introduction of various air-borne bacteria. This is undesirable because bacteria have the potential to compromise the quality of Yakult" Yakult Australia said.

And as they say, 1 bottle is enough to keep a person healthy each day, and no need for bigger servings. Although drinking more than their recommended amount is not harmful, but it could be more expensive.