Hellish Quart. A physics based, realistic, 3D sword dueling game set in 17th century. Early Access. Feb 16, 2021. Kubold.
A physics based, realistic, 3D sword dueling game set in 17th century. Early Access.
Why Early Access?
“Fighting games are a specific genere. The controls must be tight, the animations must be perfect to the millisecond, the balance must be ideal, as well as the difficulty tiers. As I'm making this game mostly alone and with limited budget, I want You - the Players - to be involved in testing and improving the game.
Feedback and suggestions from core audience is essential for this game's final form. As an independent developer, I don't have any deadlines or limitations making Hellish Quart, so I believe that early involvement of the Players will only be beneficial.
Revenue from Early Access sales will allow to make more and better quality content, such as original soundtrack, professional voice overs, hiring HEMA fencers for more mocap etc.”
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
“The game is planned to be in Early Accsess approximately one to two years, but this can change either way, depending on Player feedback.”
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
“Full version of the game is planned to include:
12 fighting styles and even more characters (some base anims will be shared)
12 arenas
original soundtrack (5 songs are already in the game!)
6 AI modes
cinematic story mode (full cutscenes)
different clothes for characters to choose from
Parsec integration for online multiplayer
Sparring mode with training weapons
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
“Currently the game includes:
5 playable characters
6 arenas
Story cinematic teaser (a test cutscene)
5 original music tracks
Vs. AI mode and local player vs. player mode (use Steam Remote Play Together to play online)
many controllers support (including fight sticks) and fully rebindable controls
options to adjust the active ragdolls parameters, slomo, stamina, damage, no blood etc.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“We want the price to fit the state of the Early Access and represent the amount of mechanics and content that is in the game at the moment. We may want to rise the price in the future, when out of Early Access, fits the final product.”
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
“After every update, everyone is welcome to comment and leave their feedback and suggestions on the game's forum. Player suggestions and concerns will be the foundation of the changes in gameplay, features and overall shape of the game.”
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