Minimalism - A Documentary About The Important Things

It's not having MORE or having LESS, but it's about having ENOUGH

The Minimalists are American authors, pod-casters, filmmakers, and public speakers Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, who promote a minimalist lifestyle.

Minimalists is not exactly having a few things in life, but rather having the most used things that you need, it's something of a creed or rule, that you have to think not twice but more times before buying stuffs, Do you need this? or it's just on SALE.

Our society impacts our lives big time, and sometimes it could dictate our lifestyle, what to eat, what to wear, what to do, where to do it. It impacts of manipulated us by the use of Advertising.

Adverting is all around us, Business lives on and grow because of advertisement, that if you a normal person doesn't think much about it, you will eventually fell for them.

Imagine a TV ads of a Toothbrush product. almost every month, a single or same Company releases a different type or design of their toothbrush, but for the same purpose, to clean your Teeth. so what's the difference?

Also same when it comes in Shaver or a Razor, the new model comes with 4 blades, versus their last year release with just 2 blades on it, but still it does the same thing. It shaves your beard mustache and goatee.

This documentary from Netflix shows people that being a Minimalists is not a bad things it doesn't make you poor. I will show you to value things you need, or value things that you already have.

"Love people and use things, because the opposite never works"
Joshua Fields Millburn, The Minimalists

"But we've discovered that only things and consuming things does not satisfy out longing for meaning."
Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President

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#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview

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