5 Tech Companies that Sells Different Things before

5 Tech Companies that Sells Different Things before

Toilet Paper, Rice Cooker and Playing Cards sold by Nokia, IBM, Nintendo, Sony, and Samsung

Today these 5 Giant Tech Companies are known by selling Technologies like Mobile Phones, Computers, Gaming Consoles, and other Entertainment Equipment, but did you know what they are selling when they are just starting?

Known in the 90s as the Company that brought us the Indestructible Phones.

Nokia Phone Model

But before, NOKIA sells Rubber Footwear, Tires, and even Toilet Papers.

Nokia Toilet Paper

Known for 1st generation of Computer brand, IBM sets the standards when in comes to Computers aside from Apple.

IBM Computer

But when they were starting, IBM sells Types of Clocks, Weighing Scales, and Tabulating equipment.

5 Tech Companies that Sells Different Things before

They are very Popular when the give us Video Game Console

Nintendo Entertainment System NES

Although in 1889, the popular pastime is playing Card Games, and Nintendo also there to provide those.

Nintendo Playing Cards

When it comes to Electronic Gadgets, Samsung is definitely the brand that won’t let you down, they gives us Mobiles Phones, Computer or Laptops, even Home Appliances like Air Conditioner, Washing Machine, Television, etc.

Samsung Appliances

Also Samsung game their consumer choices from different items like Vegetables, Dried Fish, and their own brand of Noodles.

Samsung Old Building

The Number 1 brand when it comes to Home Entertainment, from Audio, Video, and Video Games.

Sony Appliances

But before, SONY sells Rice Cookers

Sony Rice Cooker

These Companies’ history tells us that you must Innovate every time, Never stop learning, Improving, and Developing. Look at what happened to NOKIA, they are pioneering in Mobiles Phones, but when Android OS introduces in the market, they did not do anything at that time, so Samsung takes the lead, while Nokia decided to enter the Android Phone wars, it is too late, and file a Bankruptcy.

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#SarcasticGamer #SarcasticReview


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