90 Year Old Japanese Grandma Sets World Record as Oldest Video Game Streamer
Meet Hamako Mori, also known as Gamer Grandma as her IGN and also at her YouTube Channel.
Her channel started in December 19, 2014, and now with12,885,299 views and 253K Subscribers.
She started playing video games back in 1981, and for 39 years of gaming, she collected countless numbers of Old Games that she even can't remember a lot of those games. But something memorable to her is the Super Mario game.
The Gamer Grandma play 7 to 8 hours a day as of now, but she used to do more than that in the past.
Luckily her parents don't get angry with her. LOL
Hamako Mori thinks that there are handful of Elderly playing Video games in Japan, but maybe in some other country. Just like Skyrim Grandma
She's glad to have lived to this age playing Video Games. While playing she don't have to think about unnecessary things.
#OldestVideoGameStreamer #GamerGrandma #GrandmaGamer
#SarcasticReview #SarcasticGamer
SOURCE: Nextshark
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